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In every walk of life the best results are obtained as a result of care. This is especially true when it comes to the vine. To give the vine the optimum conditions in which to excel, Franz Hirtzberger and his son Franz share responsibilities in the vineyard and the cellar. Irmgard Hirtzberger looks after the commercial side of the business. In addition we have a team of dedicated employees and trainees whose meticulous attention to detail also...



Our foremost aim is to produce a wine of character and utmost purity. We have refined our practices over many years, while applying essentially the same tried and tested methods of previous generations. For us the utmost goal is to produce wines which are true to their origins; which reflect our unique Wachau "terroir"; the individual characteristics of each vineyard and the particular conditions of each different vintage.



The character of all fine wine has its origin in the vineyard. We take special care of the vines, with short pruning, intensive canopy management, strict thinning out and rigorous selection before and during harvest. By hand picking and by passing through each vineyard several times during harvest, we can guarantee that only grapes with the highest physiological maturity are selected. Our must is fermented in steel tanks without chaptalisation...


5 different wines with 26 vintages

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