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The property known today as Chateau Branaire-Ducru has a history of winemaking dating back to 1680, when it was part of the famous Beychevelle estate. Following the death of the owner, the massive property was broken into pieces and used to pay off family debt. It was Jean Baptiste Braneyre who purchased the vineyards and created the Chateau Branaire-Ducru estate in 1680. A few decades later, the owner's daughter, Marie Braneyre married Pierre...



The 50 hectares of vineyards belonging to Chateau Branaire-Ducru are located in the Saint-Julien appellation, between Margaux and Pauillac, in the Medoc region. The parcels extend along an east-west axis in the southern part of the appellation. The soil type here is dominated by clay, siliceous alluvium and deep Quaternary gravel, ideal for growing Cabernet Sauvignon, the flagship varietal of Bordeaux's Left Bank, which covers 65% of the estat...



Chateau Branaire-Ducru produces a namesake Grand Vin, as well as a second wine called Duluc de Branaire-Ducru made from some of the younger vines of the property. Duluc de Branaire-Ducru wines tend to be fruity and very nicely structured, frank and powerful on the palate. Due to its friendly, approachable nature, this wine can be enjoyed quite early, after only around four or five years in the bottle. The estate also owns a 3.5-hectare propert...


Inside information

The decisions taken here have always been motivated by the need to protect the exceptional terroir on which the estate is located. We are aware of the impact of our production on the environment, which is why we are committed to the Bordeaux Wine Environmental Management System, based on the international ISO 14001 standard. The estate has been certified since 2020. The property has also been classified “High Environmental Value” (HVE) level 3...

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