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When we purchased the 7-acre vineyard on Atlas Peak in the Western Vaca Mountain Range in Napa Valley, we knew that great mountain fruit would come from its volcanic soils.

The vineyard, part of the 45-acre property perched atop Atlas Peak, is one of the highest vineyard sites in Napa Valley, rising 2,100 feet above sea level. The eleven year old Cabernet Sauvignon (clones 7 and 337) and Petit Verdot (clone 400) vines are exposed to a uniqu...


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Heidi Peterson-Barrett's new baby, a winery called Au Sommet Wines that was founded in 2008 in partnership with her longtime friend John Schwartz. This is really a brand new project, and it’s based on a vineyard planted to Cabernet Sauvignon and some Petit Verdot in poor volcanic soil 300 meters above sea level in the Atlas Peak district in Napa Valley by the well known vineyard consultant Jim Barbour (he is, for those who doesn’t know, togeth...

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