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A few miles away from the bustling cities of Reims and Epernay you'll find the Bernard Remy Champagne. Created 40 years ago by Bernard Remy himself, it definitely has an outstanding character.


It's in the heart of the little village of Allemant on the Côte des Blancs (White grape coast) that the family patiently transforms their grapes into Champagne. With no less than 11 hectares of vines all over the Champagne vineyard, the Bernard ...



In 1968, Bernard Remy bought his first vines in the village. A few years later he would market his first wines in France. In 1983 he made the decision to have his own cellar built so as to be able to produce his own wine and to master the production. Since he wanted to broaden his vineyard, he bought 3 more hectares in 1986 and thus trebled the output.


The cellar was then too small for the storage of these outstanding bubbles and was t...

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