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Bottega has a history of four centuries in the world of wine and grappa. Since the 17th century, when our ancestors cultivated the vine as tenant farmers, up to now, with Bottega grappa and liquors being appreciated all over the world.


Bottega wines and liquors received 280 prizes and awards, can be found in 132 countries and in the most important duty-free shops and airlines. IWSR has ranked Bottega Gold as the top selling sparkli...



The company has its premises in Bibano di Godega, between Venice lagoon, capital of art and culture, and the Dolomites. Here, Prosecco DOC and grappa have their origin. Bottega also manages a winery in Valgatara (Verona) and a winery in Montalcino (Siena), where great Valpolicella and Tuscany red wines are produced.



Bottega corporate philosophy is based on these cornerstones:

1. From the vineyard to the bottle, each moment of product creation is monitored with artisan care and attention to detail. We choose simple, natural flavors connected with the territory. Artisan style and the connection with the territory make Bottega products unique and unrepeatable elsewhere.

2. Recipes with innovative, original elements make Bottega wines and liquor exclusi...

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