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Founded in 1730, Chanoine Frères is the second-oldest Champagne house. Nearly three centuries later, Chanoine continues to develop its heritage and pass on the pleasure of Champagne, from generation to generation, in France and around the world.

In 1730, under the reign of Louis XV, Pierre Chanoine (1698-1774), a young merchant with an innovative spirit, excavated the first Champagne wine cellars in Épernay. He was one of the first to assem...



“For the House of Chanoine Freres, as for myself, our Champagnes are synonymous with pleasure, made to accompany true good times shared among friends or family. I want to share that taste of happiness. What drives our House is the quest for quality in constancy, in the regularity of cuvées. By respecting the nobility of our raw materials, the grapes and grape varieties of the Champagne. Quality requires you to be responsive to the wines, to pa...

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