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Bouscaut's vineyard has existed since the 17th century on the commune of Cadaujac, Graves appellation at that time. Called Haut Truchon, it was renamed Château Bouscaut after name of the place in 1881. The various owners throughout the twentieth century were very dedicated to improving and transforming both the vineyard and the château. The neighbouring property, Château Valoux, became part of Bouscaut in 1929. In the thirties, the domain was ...



The Bouscaut terroir is mainly made up of clayey-gravelly soils, on a calcareous base. That of Lamothe is more gravelly, and that of Valoux is very similar to Bouscaut’s soils. The clayey-gravelly soil being the major component of Château Bouscaut’s terroir, gives the white wines a beautiful silky texture as well as a very expressive aromatic nature to both the Sauvignon Blanc and the Sémillon. This terroir also provides the white wines with o...

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