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In 1909, Joseph Ballan bought the Château at an auction that was owned by Monsieur Louis Sarraute at the time. He had two daugthers, Reine and Renée. Passionated by her father's work, Reine took over the company quickly after him. In 1943, Reine got married with Joseph BRAVO who directed the work in the vineyard until the end of his life in 1990. Since 1997, Joseph BRAVO's daughter, Marie-josée,  has been the new owner of Château Caillou and w...



Château Caillou has a surface of 16 hectares and is located in the region of "Haut-Barasc" at 30 minutes drive from Bordeaux. 13 hectares are classified as a Grand Cru Classé in 1855. Château owes its name to its underground composed of chalky and clayey plateau mixed with red sand rich in flagstones and rocks which bring  the wine its delicate flavour. 

The vineyard is composed of two grape variesties ; Sémillon (90 %) and Sauvignon (10%)....

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