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Our story begins in 1966 when Henri & Françoise Lévêque decided to create what became later the Chateau de Chantegrive !

They were strong believers of the potential of the Graves "terroir", which convince them to sell their superb stamp collection to acquire their first two hectares. 

What happened next is a success story, the result of a relentless work always oriented toward the future and the new technologies. “It was a childhood drea...



The Graves appellation is the only one in France which bears the name of the soil that produces the wines.

Located on the left bank of the Garonne river and bordered to the south west by forests, this geographical situation provides protection from extreme weather systems coming from the Atlantic ocean as well as protection against the risk of drought due to the proximity of the Garonne.

Ever since the Quaternary period the terroir has s...

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