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At the heart of the Valley of the Rhone, 10 minutes from Châteauneuf du Pape, Château Gigognan is the heir of a deeply rooted history that dates back to the time of roman colonisation. A spiritual and temporal lordship: The estate quickly becomes a fiefdom which formed a principality with Châteauneuf du Pape and Bédarrides, one governed by the archbishops of Avignon. During the 17th and 18th century, the administration of Gigognan was entr...



Exposed to the weather and particularly to the Mistral for more than 100 days a year, the vineyard is located in one of the driest zones of the Valley of the Rhone, on the southern part of the estate. It benefits from over 2 800 hours of sunshine per year, but it is at night that the "caïau frejaü*" give back the heat stored all day long, just like an oven. The homogeneity of the Châteauneuf-du-Pape vineyard located on an exceptional terroir i...



To produce great wines on exceptional terroirs means to continue writing a few pages of an illustrious wealth, an almost mystical responsibility towards the work of our ancestors, and one we prepare for generations to come. It is in this spirit that the teams have worked, inspired by the dynamism of our Maître de Chai Anne Cécile Piquot. The vinification process is entirely dedicated to revealing the secret relationship between the terroir and...

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