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The history of Château Lilian Ladouys is inseparable from that of the Médoc. The existence of the ‘La Doys’ estate, a name which makes reference to the source in the Gascon language, can be traced back to 1564 when it was held in fief by Jacques de Becoyran, lord of Lafite. Château Lafite Rothschild is in fact just a few hundred metres away from the estate.”

In the 18th century the estate was owned by the Barre family. Over a period of 150 ...



Located on gravel and clay soils, the Lilian Ladouys plots express the full complexity of Saint-Estèphe’s terroirs.On the Cos plateau to the south-west of the appellation, the towers of Lilian Ladouys seem to break through a carpet of vines.

The vineyards now cover around fifty hectares in the landscape of Saint-Estèphe, dominated by Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.”Upon completion of its ambitious reparcelling programme, the estate undertook...

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