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Château Mazeyres, located in the heart of Libourne, is very closely linked to the history of Pomerol, a place that existed during Roman times.  Its plateau was served by two main routes, one of which was used many centuries ago by the Roman poet, Ausone, to travel to his villa named Lucaniac.

Extraordinary pieces of pottery dating from the 3rd century, found on the site of the Château, prove that a Gallo-Roman villa once stood here. Vine gr...



The Gironde’s smallest appellation, to which Château Mazeyres belongs, is reputed for the aromatic intensity of its wines and the characteristic features of its terroirs which are part of this exceptional geological formation.

The vineyard of Château Mazeyres is situated on a lovely hillcrest of sandy gravel with a sub-soil comprised of clayey-gravel; another part stretches across the Catusseau plateau and is made up of sands on a sub-soil ...



  • Ludovic Guibert

    In my opinion, Château Mazeyres is a superb wine estate that possesses great potential in the heart of an exceptional appellation.
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