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According to current research, Château Monbousquet’s origins date back to 1540. At this time the estate belonged to a gentleman named François de Lescours, about whom the archives tell us little.

The following century, in 1682, Monbousquet became the property of Henri de Gères, and two years later he gave the estate a pleasant residence situated some 500 meters from the Saint-Emilion hill. Over the following centuries a long succession of o...



Monbousquet’s terroir is truly exceptional, with mostly warm, deep gravel to the south and sandy-clay soils to the north. As at Cheval Blanc and Figeac its soils are largely gravel, and thus warm, so relatively late-ripening Cabernets can ripen perfectly. This natural feature accounts for the particularly large proportion of these grapes in the vineyard’s composition.
The property was drained in 1998, at a depth of 2.4 meters below the surfac...

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