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In 1752, Jean Marie Etienne Portalis, coauthor of the civil code and negociator of the concordat under Napoleon 1, inherit the family estate from his grandmother. That’s the begining of the story about Portalis and Château Pradeaux.

In 1789, the French revolution devasted the domain. Charles Portalis and his daughter in law, Adrienne, gave it back its soul.


During the second world war, Arlette Portalis and her mother named Suzanne c...



Since 1752 an estate and a family in harmony Vines and olive trees in the sea-wind, a country house rooted on the rocks, all of it overcomed by the sun. Men and women have succeeded to exploit with passion the fruit of this earth.



The wine of Château Pradeaux tells a story, it’s the carrier of the memory. Every generation gives the best of itself and elaborates respectfully and with love the invaluable nectar. Each of them brings its personal touch, its modernity, without denying the inheritance received from the ancient.

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