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The Monfalletto estate boasts a centuries-old history. Its beginnings date back to April 3, 1340, when Pietrino Falletti became the owner of the commune of La Morra, which was made possible by a loan granted by the commune of Alba. Through the centuries the family increased its holdings, sold them, divided them up, lost them, passed them down to heirs, and so on, through the various family branches that appeared and disappeared throughout the ...



The Monfalletto estate in the district of Annunziata was already listed on topographical maps and early land registers from as far back as the middle ages. Today the property is made up of 28 adjacent hectares of vineyards that spread all around the winery and family estate situated on top of the hill. In addition, 2 hectares of vineyards are in Castiglione Falletto and 7 hectares are leased in the Roero area

The vines, which produce ...


6 different wines with 18 vintages

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