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The history of Field LATOUR-GIRAUD extends over three centuries and goes up at the end of XVII. The known ancestor oldest is Jean Latour-Boillot born about 1680. At that time the vine was already the principal wages. The presence of the Latour family on the vineyard appears during the French revolution by the person of Jean Latour-Mouquin, born in 1748 and grandson of Jean Latour-Boillot.

The Giraud family established itself for a long time...



The Vineyard exploited by Field LATOUR-GIRAUD covers ten hectares producing only Classified wines Controlled, including roughly 80% White Wines and 20 % Red Wines.

The majority of the white vines is located in five appellations of 1st Vintage of Meursault : Les Genevrières, Les Charmes, Les Perrières, Les Bouchères et Le Poruzot.

With 2Ha in Meursault Genevrières, Field LATOUR-GIRAUD is the most important owner of this superb first vinta...


9 different wines with 28 vintages

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