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Everything started with Alphonse Gros. Born in 1804 at Chaux (a small village in the Hautes-Côtes de Nuits located at 2 km above Nuits-Saint-Georges), Alphonse Gros got married with Miss Latour and settled in Vosne-Romanée in 1830.

In this village, whose name would become one of the most famous wine appellation in the world, Alphonse Gros bought a house, part of which is still Jean Gros's home at No 3 Rue des Communes. This house sheltered ...



In Burgundy, every vintage gives very different wines and imposes continuous adjustments. The following description is therefore flexible according to annual variations. However, the same process is used and the same care is taken for both Bourgogne and Clos Vougeot wines, whatever the level of appellation. Hand-picking only. Immediate sorting out of the grapes on the vine thanks to the "basket-emptiers-sorters" (1 sorter for 3 to 6 pickers ac...


Inside information

Vosne-Romanée 1er Cru Clos des Réas Monopole 2011 won the gold medal at Mondial des Pinots 2014 competition, in Sierre, Switzerland, with 90 points.


5 different wines with 31 vintages

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