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The land and the people who tend it share the same history. A history which grows from generation to generation. At the origin, one man, Jean Orëns Ferraton. Vigneron, and son of a vigneron. A region basked in sun, the Rhône Valley. It was 1946. The story begins.

Michel, his son, inherited the same passion. He decided to give a new dimension to his father’s vineyards. The first Hermitage,Crozes-Hermitage and Saint-Joseph Ferraton were broug...



1998 : A step is taken. Maison Ferraton Père & Fils embraces biodynamics with conviction. Michel Chapoutier, a friend of the family, brings his experience and knowledge. Sharing and putting to use. Re-discovering the good sense for the land of their ancestors. Choosing to never again artificially assist the soils, to always privilege quality over quantity.

Biodynamics respect life. Harmony between the land, the metabolism of plants, the cyc...

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