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1700's - The intriguing history of The House of J.C. Le Roux can be traced back to a French Huguenot named Jean le Roux, a viticulturist from Normandy.  He started planting vines shortly after settling in Stellenbosch in 1704, and for generations his descendants continued this proud tradition.  Today, The House of JC le Roux bears testimony to the contribution made to Devon Valley by this illustrious family.


1983. The first sparkling w...



Tucked away in the heart of the beautiful Devon Valley just outside Stellenbosch, winemaker Elunda Basson, masterfully creates the sparkling wines that have become a household name at South Africa’s leading house of sparkling wine – The House of J.C. Le Roux. Elunda studied viticulture and oenology for two years at the University of Stellenbosch. She then transferred to the Elsenburg Agricultural College where she completed her Higher Certific...

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