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Kanonkop Estate is situated on the lower slopes of the Simonsberg Mountain in the Stellenbosch Region of the Cape and confidently boasts with some of South Africa’s most premium wines. Kanonkop is a fourth generation family estate, which was originally purchased by JW Sauer, a cabinet member in the parliament of the Union of South Africa. This estate has since then been handed down from father to son for over 40 years and is now in the talente...



Winemaking at Kanonkop follows the age-old tradition of being made in open concrete fermenters, but with a slight difference, the tanks are wide and shallow, rather high and deep. This ensures maximum skin contact. Only French Nevers barrels are used for breeding, with the exception of a few experimental barrels each year. All cellaring, bottling and labelling is done on Kanonkop.


Kanonkop is renowned for its red wines, with Pinotage m...

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