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The farm was first promulgated in 1685, a time when many of the original wine estates were first laid out.

The farm is known to have produced grapes since at least 1695 when the first record of taxes payable to the Stellenbosch Town Council were made by the then owner of Kleine Zalze, Nicolaas Cleef, a German immigrant. At this time over 700 vines were recorded for tax purposes.


Kobus and Mariette Basson purchased Kleine Zalze in 19...



Located on a variety of slopes, soils and aspects, the vineyards that bear the fruit for the Kleine Zalze range of wines are exposed to fresh ocean breezes from the coast, which lies a mere 15 kilometers away. This cool climate yields delicate flavours whilst at the same time providing optimal growing and ripening conditions to our fruit.

From an environmental perspective, the development of Kleine Zalze and the adjoining De Zalze Golf Esta...



Our winemaking philosophy is underpinned by a three-pronged strategy of nurturing and developing all the components involved in the process: the vineyards, the cellar, and the people. The vineyards are where all great wines are made and we leave no stone unturned to produce the best quality grapes.

The cellar is responsible throughout the winemaking process for safeguarding our quality grapes to produce premium wines.


The people inv...


Inside information

At Kleine Zalze, relationships are understood and respected as the most important source of long-term success, as the input of all stakeholders is vital in evolving wine styles to meet different market conditions. Being family owned and having started from humble beginnings, Kleine Zalze has remained true to its core values.

These values filter through all aspects of our work, and include integrity, mutual respect, pride, a sense of communi...


1 different wines with 2 vintages

  • Brut

      1 vintage 2009 85,0 Tb best 2009 (85 Tb)
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