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The family roots go back until 1648, to the small village of Wörrstadt in Rheinhessen. Ever since, the Louis Guntrum family has been growing grapes and making wine. The 8th generation, Louis Jean George Guntrum, built today's Estate building in 1923 - it offers a perfect and spacious environment to produce some of the finest wines from Germany, but also impresses with its stunning location directly adjacent to the Rhein river. Today, the estat...




The old Sackträger-tower was the outpost of medieval guild of sack-carriers (Transports from ship-loads from the Rhine to the town). Loam and clay, the ideal vineyard soil on a south-facing "amphitheatre", sheltered to both north and west by hills with an inclinatin of 30°. One of the best vineyard-sites in Rheinhessen. 



A small single site with only 1,5 hectares (= 3.7 acres). The...



Winemaking at LOUIS GUNTRUM’s follows certain well established and proven rules:

The beginning of the harvest is determined by the owner Mr. Louis Konstantin Guntrum himself, who checks the state of the grapes concerning ripeness and healthiness. A selective harvest as late during the season as possible is strived for, treating both grapes, must and wine as carefully as possible. Grapes are distinguished between early-, medium- and late-rip...


0 different wines with 10 vintages

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