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By 1917, steel tycoon D. P. Doak had purchased the property and begun construction on one of the most magnificent private residences in the Napa Valley. At a cost of over $200,000 it included extravagant cascading pools, marble fountains, and sunken gardens by landscape architect John McLaren, designer of Golden Gate Park. In 1927, the original residence was offered to President Calvin Coolidge as a summer White House. After falling into disre...



There is a Native American phrase —Tu-la-halusi— meaning “beautiful land,” used to describe the upper Napa Valley and repeated by early settlers. Our story begins with the history of our property, whose first wines were branded TO-KALON, meaning “the most beautiful.” Our property was originally planted to vines in the early 1870’s by the grandson of Napa Valley pioneer George Yount. The Yount Family retained this as one of the final pieces of ...

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