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Established in 1750 by Pietro di Berardino (he adopted the title of Mastro, which eventually merged with Berardino) and officially registered in 1878 by Cavalier Angelo Mastroberardino, Campania’s Mastroberardino is one of Italy’s great winemaking estates.


The first of these, Fiano, features in several DOC and IGT wines, most notably in the Fiano di Avellino DOCG, established in 2003 (Greco di Tufa was accorded its DOCG in the same yea...



Mirabella Eclano - It is the main estate owned by the Mastroberardino family, center of excellence for enotourism and for the diffusion of the vine culture from Irpinia. It is located in Mirabella Eclano, in the heart of the Taurasi DOCG area. The vineyards are surrounded by a large natural landscape, not far from the archaeological excavations of Aeclanum. The estate covers 65 hectares on an hill territory with an altitude between 350 and 450...

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