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The picturesque Neethlingshof Wine Estate in the heart of the Stellenbosch Winelands is flanked by the Bottelary Hills and Papegaaisberg Mountains. Along with the awe-inspiring manor house, our estate is steeped in history which dates back to 1705 and distinguished by the beautiful avenue of stone pines.

It's a place where soil, climate and vines co-exist in perfect harmony. We're blessed with 13 distinguishable terroirs and by choosing the c...



The Neethlingshof reserve tier, the Short Story Collection, draws attention to Neethlingshof's rich and varied narratives based on our estate's philosophy or history.

The Caracal, our flagship red blend, celebrates the return of the rooikat to the unique ecosystems surrounding our estate's granite hills.

The Owl Post, a single-vineyard Pinotage, draws attention to our estate's integrated pest management including the strategic placement of o...

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