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Real Companhia Velha makes it to the top of João Paulo Martins’ choices for 2015

Considered one of Portugal’s most influential wine critics, João Paulo Martins launched in 2014 his 21st Wine Guide - Vinhos de Portugal - and selected 5 of Real Companhia Velha’s wines for the “Best of the Year” category. The wines selected were: Real Companhia Velha Espumante (Best Sparkling Wines), Quinta de Cidrô Rosé (Best Rosé Wines), Carvalhas Vinhas Velha...



Real Companhia Velha is the oldest and most emblematic wine company in Portugal, having celebrated this year 258 years of existence and uninterrupted activity in the service of Port Wine. History has left us with a record of an incredible story and a glorious past. For the future we hold the desire to maintain the high standard of quality in our wines and the confidence that the rigorous and visionary philosophy of this company will write down...



Quinta das Carvalhas

Quinta das Carvalhas is one of the most emblematic and spectacular properties in the Douro Valley. Written references regarding this magnificent vineyard can be traced back to 1759.

Enjoying a prominent position on the left bank of the Douro river, in Pinhão, the estate covers the entire hillside facing the Douro river and occupies part of the slopes of the right bank of the tributary Torto river. Carvalhas’ Old Vines, a...

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