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When he created Verget in 1990, Jean-Marie Guffens applied the very same rules as for his own production. Verget’s philosophy can be summed up in one simple sentence: “the best wine comes from the best grapes”. This elementary saying is the corner stone of Verget. Thus, wether in Mâconnais, Chablis or Cote d’Or, the best vineyards and best terroirs are selected to produce quality wines.


The raison d’être of Verget is to reveal all the ...



After harvest, grapes are received and pressed with the greatest care. An analytic follow up is made at each step of pressing. The grapes of each parcel harvested are pressed and vinified separately. Wines are aged on lees and get a regular “batonnage”. This process consists in stirring the wines gently in order to enrich them with the characteristics of the vintage and the terroir contained in the lees. The wines can be aged in barrels, woode...

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