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The historic Karthäuserhof estate is located just before the confluence of the Ruwer and Mosel rivers, nestled along a side valley adjacent to the small village of Eitelsbach. Recent findings indicate that the spot was a settlement practicing viticulture as early as Roman times. Named Karthäuserhof, or “Farm of the Carthusians,” it was founded officially as a Carthusian monastery in the 11th century. In 1811, Napoleon secularized the region an...



The single-vineyard estate makes wines exclusively from the Karthäuserhofberg vineyard. They use no pesticides, instead preferring pheromones, which prevent insect pests from reproducing. The 19 hectares of vineyards are planted almost entirely to Riesling on original rootstock. While the estate produces the classic Prädikat wines, they have long been ahead of the curve and renowned for their dry Rieslings, an area of increasing popularity amo...

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