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"The NV 10 Year Old Tawny was bottled in 2016 with a bar-top cork and 106 grams per liter of residual sugar. Medium in body--well, it's a 10, not a 40--this has fine freshness and perfect balance. The juicy, delicious finish is irresistible and has more intensity of flavor than most 10 Year Olds. Although I tend to look first for freshness in this category, it is also nice to find some complexity and intensity of flavor, too, as here. This is ...


The Story

The 10 Year Old Tawny port shows outstanding intensity of color, complexity, concentration, and depth of flavor. Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca and Tinta Barroca predominate among the traditional grape varieties. 50% of the grapes come from the estate (a large part of these now coming from the replantings at Noval in the mid nineties) and 50% from traditional suppliers of “A” category grapes. 100% of grapes are trodden by foot in lagares, a tradi...


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Porto, Douro

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