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We are a family company founded in 1963 by Engineer Alberto Zuccardi. In those times, he began planting vines in Maipú (province of Mendoza), experimenting with an irrigation system of his own creation based on a method used in California.  Forty five years after the starting point of this path, there are three generations joined by a passion for wine. In September 2007, the prestigious magazine DECANTER acknowledged José Alberto and Sebastián...



The equipment of our winery allows for the optimization of the necessary resources in wine production along the lines of our quality policy. Technology is present in the process from the very beginning to the very end. We cultivate more than 800 ha of vineyards in the Mendocinian districts of Vista Flores, Altamira, La Consulta, Maipú, and Santa Rosa. At present, 35% of these vineyards are organic certified and in the rest of them sustainable ...


15 different wines with 33 vintages

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