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We have been managing our winery in Zaußenberg near Königsbrunn in the Wagram together since 2003, today with a total of 15 hectares of vineyards. Our single-site vineyards Mordthal, Himmelreich, Steinberg, and Schlossberg with their loess, tertiary gravel and sandstone soils, together with the mild climate of the region, offer the best conditions for Roter & Grüner Veltliner, Roter Traminer, Pinot Blanc and Riesling, as well as the Blauer Zwe...



All of our vineyards are on historical sites in Wagram, a widely visible terrace of glacial loess. The soil therefore consists of loess, but also sandstone and tertiary gravel.

Ried Mordthal, the site name "Mordthal" probably comes from an old term for a narrow valley without an exit, which was used during the Stone Age as a strategic hunting aid. Here, the hunters cornered mammoths and killed them, as documented by many bone findings.



7 different wines with 13 vintages

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