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Viu Manent is a Chilean winery owned by the Viu family. It was founded in 1935 when the Catalonian immigrant Miguel Viu-García and his two sons Agustín and Miguel Viu-Manent founded Bodegas Viu in Santiago de Chile. They bottled and sold wine on the local market under the “Vinos Viu” brand.

Viu Manent is a Chilean winery owned by the Viu family. It was founded in 1935 when the Catalonian immigrant Miguel Viu-García and his two sons Agustín ...



Viña Viu Manent is highly committed to the concepts of sustainability and includes it among its strategic pillars and philosophy of work. The company’s value proposition is oriented toward being an organization that integrates the preservation of and respect for the environment and reinforces its roots, the family, traditions, and the ongoing improvement in the areas of work, safety, health, and community relationships.

We incorporate envir...



What exactly is one’s own? … ”That which identifies us and by which we can recognize ourselves.”

We love our property, our family and our traditions. We love our work, which we see as the motor that can propel us toward fulfilling our dreams. We believe in transcendence, in putting our heart into things and that the only way to do something is to do it to the best of our abilities.

We have a strong bond with wine; we love its living esse...



  • Miguel Mujica

    We use sustainable viticulture, with the primary objective of obtaining high-quality grapes.
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