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Warwick Wine Estate was known as the farm ‘Good Success’ from 1791 until 1902. After the Anglo-Boer war, Colonel Alexander Gordon from the Warwickshire regiment bought the farm and renamed it ‘Warwick’ as a tribute to his regiment. In 1964 Warwick was purchased by Stan and Norma Ratcliffe. The Ratcliffes recognized the quality of the terroir and began planting Cabernet Sauvignon, selling grapes to wholesalers and other wineries until 1984 when...



The soil type in the vineyards is primarily Hutton and Clovelly. Summer temperatures range from a high of around 28ºC (82ºF) to a low of 16ºC (61ºF) with an average annual rainfall of 500mm (20 inches). Vineyards are on gentle, south-facing slopes. Warwick has implemented an environmentally-friendly biological approach to its vinegrowing.

Annual Production: 300 Tons

Varieties Cultivated: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Pinota...

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