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The Zilliken family traces its winegrowing tradition back to 1742. The early generations toiled in Saarburg and Ockfen, but it was Royal Prussian Forest Superintendent Ferdinand Geltz (1851 – 1925) who laid the groundwork for what would become one of the grandest family-owned estates anywhere on the Saar and Mosel. Ferdinand Geltz was a co-founder of the "Vereins der Naturweinversteigerer Großer Ring," an organization today known as the VDP Mo...



We work with Nature, not against her. And for many years now, Nature has blessed the Saar with ideal conditions: a cool climate and a long fruit set. Even in an age of global warming and an increasing number of grand Saar vintages, we continue to enjoy one of the longest fruit sets when compared with our colleagues in southern regions. We believe a slow, steady ripening is the key to exceptional aromatics.


We consciously limit our yiel...


8 different wines with 28 vintages

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