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The Story

The Clos de Vougeot in the heart of the Côte de Nuits occupies most of the vineyard area belonging to the commune of Vougeot. Vougeot's neighbours are Chambolle-Musigny, Flagey-Échezeaux and Vosne-Romanée. On the slopes at the upper end of the Clos, it abuts on the vineyards of Musigny and Grands-Échezeaux.
Founded around 1110 AD by the monks of nearby Cîteaux, who remained its owners until the Revolution of 1789, the Clos de Vougeot is a Bur...


Vintage 2008

 An indifferent spring caused uneven flowering and mildew risk. At the end of June the weather changed for the better, continuing into July. Apart from local hail in the Côte de Beaune at the end of July, the summer began well. August arrived fairly cold and variable, but fortunately the last week of the month brought fine, warm weather. The lead-up to harvest saw sunny skies, apart from two days of rain in mid-September. A challenging vintage...


Tasting note

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Written Notes

Mid to dark crimson. Pretty and supple and super fruity on the nose. Lots of sweetness and richness and jewelly fruit. Great drive. It takes something for a wine to bedazzle so late in the tasting (I started at the end). Really very delicious already. Long. Bravo!

  • 95p
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Vosne-Romanée, Burgundy
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