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The Story

Hand-harvest at their best moment, the grapes are destemmed, crushed and vinified in a careful maceration with extraction of colour, tannins and aromas of the pellicles, complemented by permanent pumping-over during fermentation. This process takes place in vats at a controlled temperature between 28-30ºC, until reaching the desired Baumé. At this phase grape brandy is added (benefit), originating a fortified wine. A wine of an exceptional qua...


Latest Pro-tasting notes

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Medium, Brownish and Healthy


Endless, Smooth and Pure


Cardamom, Coffee, Toasty, Cedar, Cigar-box and Port-like


Intense, Complex, Opulent and Seductive




Average in Acidity, Low tannin, Perfectly balanced, Concentrated, Multi-dimensional, Mature, Full-bodied, Full, Medium-Sweet and Sweet tannins


Sophisticated and Masterpiece

Written Notes

Most probably there was never a masterclass with old Colheitas from Kopke in Germany outside this year’s Portweinmesse. Everyone was quiet, when Sogevinus chief-enlogogist Carlos Alves elaborated on the secrets of blending an old Tawny Port and everyone was amazed to taste a sip of the 1937 Colheita at the end: Green and golden reflections in the transparent, dark-red color. Honey, malt, all kinds of herbs, coffee and perfectly integrated hint of the “douro bake” aromas in the bouquet. The palate reveals a portfolio of dried fruits with raisins, figs, dates and all kinds of nuts. Perfect balance between the acidity and the sweetness. Long, very long, but balanced aftertaste. A truly great Colheita. 19/20

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Gaia, Douro
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