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Deep and Gold


Long, Pure and Flavorful


Vanilla, Apricot, Voluptuous, Toasty, Honey and Mineral


Youthful, Pure, Complex and Fresh


High in Acidity, Perfectly balanced, Concentrated, Well-Integrated, Youthful, Medium-bodied, Harmonious, Focused, Elegant and Sweet


Sophisticated and Excellent

Written Notes

Certified organic. 100% Hárslevelű. TA 6.5 g/l, RS 154.4 g/l.
Smells like ripe papaya! So very different from the Furmint Aszú wines. Papaya, custard apple warming into apple Danish pastry, warming into apple pie. Apricot jam blitzed into crème anglais. It’s almost a bit lactic, in a cultured-sour-cream way. Heavy slub-silk texture. Rich; fudge, toffee, dulce de leche. And ripe, ripe cantaloupe melon. I'd have thought this too heavy for food, especially savoury food, but with veal sweetbreads in a very intense, miso-sweet dark jus on peppery salad leaves, it brought out a spiciness in the wine and the pairing was incredibly good. This is definitely the slow-dance song of Aszú – I want to press my cheek into the warmth of its neck and breath in the slow, sinuous movement of its hips. This tastes like hedonism.

  • 90p
Good looking half size bottle. Colour is gold and deep. On the nose it is open, youthful, intense, pure, charming, rich, generous, fresh, refined and complex. The taste is focused, fresh,voluptuous, elegant, perfumed, fragrant,robust, toasty, refined, and sweet, and high in acidity, medium-bodied, with perfectly balanced, well-integrated,satin texture, well-structured, concentrated structure and youthful. On the palate it is layered and has spice, glycerin, mineral, vanilla, violet, viscous, honey, apricot and toasty flavours. The finish is long, lingering, pure, vibrant and flavorful. This wine is sophisticated and excellent.
- (Tasting note created by Tb's AI)
  • 95p
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