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The Tb points given to this wine are the world’s most valid and most up-to-date evaluation of the quality of the wine. Tastingbook points are formed by the Tastingbook algorithm which takes into account the wine ratings of the world's 50 best-known professional wine critics, wine ratings by thousands of tastingbook’s professionals and users, the generally recognised vintage quality and reputation of the vineyard and winery. Wine needs at least five professional ratings to get the Tb score. Tastingbook.com is the world's largest wine information service which is an unbiased, non-commercial and free for everyone.




Eltville, Rheingau

Tuottajan muut viinit

Assmannshäuser Hinterkirch Spätburgunder

Assmannshäuser Hinterkirch Spätburgunder Faß Nr. 1

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Cabinet

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Crecentia, Frühburgunder trocken, Goldkapsel

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Frühburgunder Natur

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Leon Millot Natur

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Spätburgunder

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Spätburgunder BA

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Spätburgunder Beerenauslese

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Spätburgunder GG

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Spätburgunder GG Magnum

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Spätburgunder Natur

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Spätburgunder Natur Cabinet

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Spätburgunder trocken "aus dem Cabinetkeller"

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Spätburgunder trocken, Mauerwein, Goldkapsel

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg, Spätburgunder trocken, Mauerwein, Steigwein

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Spätburgunder Weißherbst Beerenauslese

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Spätburgunder Weissherbst Eiswein-Auslese

Assmannshäuser Höllenberg Spätburgunder Weissherbst Eiswein-Beerenauslese

Assmannshäuser im Höllenberg Frühburgunder Goldkapsel VDP Erste Lage

Baikenkopf Großes Gewächs Riesling

Baiken Riesling Cabinet

Baiken Riesling Naturrein

Bensheimer Kalkgasse Riesling Auslese

Bensheimer Kalkgasse Riesling Eiswein

Bensheimer Streichling Riesling Spätlese

Berg Rottland Riesling Naturrein

Berg Schlossberg Großes Gewächs Riesling

Berg Schlossberg Riesling

Berg Schlossberg Rüdesheim Riesling GG Magnum

Domäne Bergstraße Riesling Goldkapsel VDP Auktion Réserve

Domdechaney Großes Gewächs Riesling

Domdechaney Riesling Cabinet

Eltviller Steinmächer Riesling

Eltviller Taubenberg Riesling


Erbacher Marcobrunn Riesling Eiswein

Goldener Becher Steinberg Riesling GG, VDP Grosse Lage

Goldener Becher Steinberg Riesling Kabinett Goldkpasel

Hattenheimer Engelmannsberg Riesling Spätlese

Hattenheimer Mannberg Riesling

Heppenheimer Centgericht Grauburgunder trocken VDP Großes Gewächs

Heppenheimer Centgericht Riesling Eiswein

Heppenheimer Centgericht Ruländer Beerenauslese

Heppenheimer Steinkopf Riesling Spätlese

Hochheimer Domdechaney Riesling Eiswein

Hochheimer Domdechaney Riesling Spätlese

Hochheimer Domdechaney Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese

Hochheimer Domedechaney Riesling Auslese

Hochheimer Domedechaney Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel

Hochheimer Kirchenstück Riesling Spätlese

Höllenberg Spätburgunder Auslese

Höllenberg Spätburgunder Beerenauslese

Höllenberg Spätburgunder Cabinet

Höllenberg Spätburgunder Cabinet Natur

Höllenberg Spätburgunder Eiswein

Höllenberg Spätburgunder Großes Gewächs

Höllenberg Spätburgunder Spätlese

Höllenberg Spätburgunder trocken "Mauerwein", Goldkapsel

Höllenberg Spätburgunder Weißherbst

Höllenberg Spätburgunder Weißherbst Eiswein

Im Landberg Großes Gewächs Grauburgunder

Kalkgasse Riesling

Kiedricher Gräfenberg Riesling

Kiedricher Gräfenberg Riesling Spätlese

Kloster Eberbach Rauenthaler Baiken Rheingau Riesling Spätlese

Marcobrunn Großes Gewächs Riesling

Marcobrunn Riesling

Marcobrunn Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel

Marcobrunn Riesling Beerenauslese

Marcobrunn Riesling Eiswein

Marcobrunn Riesling Erstes Gewächs

Marcobrunn Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese

Pinot Noir Goldkapsel VDP Auktion Réserve

Rauenthaler Baikenkopf, Riesling trocken, Erstes Gewächs

Rauenthaler Baikenkopf, Riesling trocken, VDP. Grosses Gewächs

Rauenthaler Baiken Riesling Auslese

Rauenthaler Baiken Riesling Beerenauslese

Rauenthaler Baiken Riesling Eiswein

Rauenthaler Baiken Riesling Spätese

Rauenthaler Baiken Riesling Spätlese

Rauenthaler Baiken Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese

Rauenthaler Langenstück Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese

Rauenthaler Steinhaufen Riesling

Rauenthaler Steinhaufen Riesling Spätese

Rauenthaler Wieshell Riesling Spätlese

Rauenthaler Wülfen Riesling Auslese

Raunthaler Baiken Riesling Erstes Gewächs trocken

Riesling Trocken

Rüdesheimer Berg Rottland Riesling

Rüdesheimer Berg Rottland Riesling Auslese

Rüdesheimer Berg Rottland Riesling Spätlese

Rüdesheimer Berg Rottland Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese

Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg Riesling

Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg Riesling Beerenauslese

Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg Riesling Erstes Gewächs

Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg,Riesling,Fl. Nr.19

Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg, Riesling trocken, Erstes Gewächs

Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg, Riesling trocken, VDP. Grosses Gewächs

Rüdesheimer Bischofsberg Riesling Eiswein

Rüdesheimer Burgweg Riesling Naturrein

Rüdesheimer Hinterhaus Riesling

Rüdesheimer Hinterhaus Riesling Auslese

Rüdesheimer Hinterhaus Riesling Naturrein

Rüdesheimer Wiltert Riesling naturrein

Rüdesheimer Wüst

Schönberger Herrnwingert Riesling Auslese

Schönberger Herrnwingert Weissburgunder trocken VDP Großes Gewächs

Schützenhaus Riesling Naturrein



Steinberger Cabinet

Steinberger Riesling

Steinberger Riesling "aus dem Cabinetkeller"

Steinberger Riesling Auslese

Steinberger Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel

Steinberger Riesling Beerenauslese

Steinberger Riesling Beerenauslese Goldkapsel

Steinberger Riesling Edelbeerenauslese

Steinberger Riesling Eiswein

Steinberger Riesling Eiswein (Auction)

Steinberger Riesling Eiswein Auslese

Steinberger Riesling Eiswein Beerenauslese

Steinberger Riesling Kabinett

Steinberger Riesling Kabinett Goldkapsel

Steinberger Riesling Spätlese Mauerwein

Steinberger Riesling Spätlese Mauerwein Goldkapsel

Steinberger Riesling Tba Goldkapsel

Steinberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese

Steinberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese (barrel sample)

Steinberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese Goldkapsel

Steinberger Spätlese

Steinberger Wild Ferment Riesling trocken Magnum (Auction)

Steinberg Riesling "aus dem Cabinetkeller"

Steinhaufen Riesling Naturrein

Steinkopf Riesling Cabinet

Streichling Riesling

Taubenberg Riesling Naturrein

Willborn Riesling Naturrein

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Päivitämme parhaillaan tastingbookin ohjeita, mikäli haluat voit katsoa alta videon sekä ohjeet englanniksi.

Short Introduction to theTastingbook.com

Welcome to the Tastingbook, the world's first intelligent wine-tasting tool and social wine community.

It is easy and fast to use, and I am happy to guide you through it.

1. Start by Signing up and creating your profile

- Add a profile picture and more information about yourselves

2. Next, Create your personal Wine World

- Click iFollow (Discover) from the top menu

- Tastingbook has added automatically into your wine world 5-10 of the most active professionals or Pro's as we call them.

- Search for more pros or other users by typing their name in the search field. Then click into my world to those who you want to include in your wine world. This way, you may be notified when they taste wines or comment on them.

- You can also add wines and wine producers into your wine world. This allows you to access the most up-to-date information about them.

3. Invite your friends to join the tastingbook

- Click your username on the top menu and choose invite

- Type your friends email addresses and click send invites

- You can follow the status of your invitation on the same page

4. Create a tasting and do tasting notes

4.1. Click the New tasting button from the top menu.

- Name the tasting as you wish.

- Set the place and time (You can also add your past tasting notes by just changing the date)

- Click the add new wine button on the right to add new wines to the tasting.

- Now go to the box that says 'Click to add the wine'.

- Start by typing the wine or producer name and select the wine from the list that appears.

- After you have selected the wine, the vintage selection will be opened automatically

- Select the correct vintage by clicking on it.

4.2. Next, click My tasting note box and the worlds most advanced tasting

- From the bottom left of the tasting tool you can select in which language you want to use and view tasting notes.

- just do your wine note by clicking the correct adjectives. The adjectives can be activated by clicking once, or de-activated by clicking again.

- Tastingbook Pros will teach you while you taste wines.

At the bottom of the page in the section Show notes of, you may view notes of the professionals by clicking Pro's. If any of the tastingbook pros have tasted the wine before their opinion will show in the gold colored frames around the adjectives on the tasting view.

4.3. After you have completed your wine note, it's time to give Tb points.

Click the box on the bottom right Give points.
In case you want to add any comment or personal thoughts related to this wine, you may tick the note box next to the scores. In this field you may add copy-pasted texts for instance your old notes, etc.

4.4. After you've completed your notes for all the wines, click Close tasting.

You may now share some general thoughts about the tasting or tasted wines and choose with whom you want share your tasting. Set the Tasting privacy to limit the audience who are able to view your tastings information. We suggest you use Everyone as most of the wine experiences are meant to be shared.


If a wine that you are tasting is not found in our database, please be kind enough to send us an email to: addwine@thetastingbook.com, please include at least the wine name and producer. We will add the wine in tastingbook within 24 hours.

5. Tastingbook is full of information and stories - how to find them.

Tastingbook is full of information about wines, vintages, and wineries and also has over 30.000 pictures of wines. To best way to find what you are looking for is to browse the site from the Browse field in the top right corner.

You may search for wine, vintage, producer, pros or other community members by typing the name in the browse field. You may then choose from the drop down menu.

If you have any difficulty in navigating the site you may easily get help by clicking the support button on the left side of the page

We hope you enjoy all that the tastingbook has to offer and wish you rewarding moments in exploring tastingbook, your personal wine world.

You can always access these instructions from the top menu.

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