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Château Monbrison has a very long history. It was created when half of a third classified growth in Margaux, was added to an existing vineyard as the result of an inheritance.

If you go to the west coast of Bordeaux in the town of Arsac (Margaux)  you will encounter a beautiful estate. This charming estate built in the 18th century has a treasure chest of  stories from over the past hundred’s of years to tell and is known as Château Monbris...



Laurent Vonderheyden has been in charge for the past twenty years, transforming Château Monbrison into one of the leading wines in its appellation. Well-received by critics, Monbrison has been awarded prestigious medals and distinctions in France and abroad. The quality of its enchanting bouquet is equalled only by the elegance it displays on the palate. Incredibly refined, Monbrison brilliantly reflects its superb terroir and is the epitome o...

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