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What has impressed me most about the great wines of the world — aside from the immense pleasure of drinking them — is the deeply rooted, fiercely held philosophies of the people who create them. The great winemakers I have met invariably possess a clear concept in their minds — before the first grape is picked — of what their wines should be. It’s a vision that places terroir over technology, and grape quality over quantity. Their wines are gr...



Situated on Germany’s Mosel River among some of the world’s most treasured vineyards, the Dr. Loosen estate has been in the same family for more than 200 years. When Ernst Loosen (pronounced LOH-zen) assumed ownership in 1988, he realized that, with ungrafted vines averaging 60 years old in some of Germany’s top-rated vineyards, he had the raw materials to create stunningly intense, world-class Rieslings.


To achieve this, Ernst immedia...


33 different wines with 109 vintages

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