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Vintage 1959

Burgundy: A record crop of magnificent wines, legendary and still very good. Full but soft-textured.  After a number of difficult vintages and small crops, finally a great vintage arrived with the rare combination of sufficient quantity and high quality. 

An ideal spring flowering was followed by hot and dry weather in July and August. Showers refreshed the vines and on 14 September the harvest commenced under clear skies. 

Great, charmi...


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The Tart was paired with a 1959 Noellat Romanee St. Vivant, which was about as good as an old Noellat as I have had. It was also sexy with that sweet ’59 style, syrupy and sugary with hints of orange again, but more citrus overall. It was tasty with a bittersweet finish, again with hints of tobasco. The Noellat was hearty with a twisted spice, like brown leather syrup. While the Clos de Tart danced more, the Noellat could knock you out. Jean Luc found it ‘more put together,’ but its ‘dustiness’ bothered Sarah a bit

  • 93p
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Vosne-Romanée, Burgundy
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