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The Story

Seppelt 100 Year Old Para Liqueur Vintage Tawny is the most remarkable of wine curios. It is Australian wine heritage in a bottle, a direct link to our colonial past. For 125 years Seppelt has been laying down puncheons (475 litre barrels), arguably making it the longest unbroken collection of wine vintages held any where in the world. Unlike many 100 year-old wines, these tawny style Para Liqueurs are still drinking beautifully with rancio/le...


Wine Information

“James Godfrey, Seppelt’s chief fortified winemaker, has been in the job since 1978 and when he started (neatly) had 100 years of living history to guide him. Were it not for that experience it would be impossible to understand how the bright, light red-coloured 2002, with its cherry ripe/cherry kernel aromas and flavours could transform itself into a dark mahogany olive, viscous and searingly intense, coruscating 100-year-old wine which penet...


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Deep umber colour. Liquorice/molasses/chocolatey aromas with some vanilla/aniseed. Richly flavoured high-pitched wine with choco-liquorice flavours and some burnt bitter sweet nuances. Not overtly powerful but excellent flavour length. 93/100
  • 93p
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Victoria, Great Western
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