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A friend must have gone close to cornering the market on this unimaginably exquisite sweetie (it sounds so dismissive to call it a sweetie, but it is definitely a term of endearment in this case) and he has been incredibly kind, opening it for us several times (there are two different labels, tiny differences, so things can be confusing, but I don’t think any difference in the wine?). Every time, it blows everyone away. It is the only wine I think I have ever seen put the 2001 Yquem in the shade (I guess we have different degrees of 100 points, if that is possible).

It is, quite simply, utterly spellbinding. Honey, cumquat, coconut, marmalade and more. Dense, has serious weight, tightrope balance and delightful freshness. Hard to imagine that this won’t go for many decades. 

The balance is truly immaculate and the length is astounding. Is this the longest wine in the world?

In a word, perfect.


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Nahe, Nahe

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