The Tb points given to this wine are the world’s most valid and most up-to-date evaluation of the quality of the wine. Tastingbook points are formed by the Tastingbook algorithm which takes into account the wine ratings of the world's best-known professional wine critics, wine ratings by thousands of tastingbook’s professionals and users, the generally recognised vintage quality and reputation of the vineyard and winery. Wine needs at least five professional ratings to get the Tb score. is the world's largest wine information service which is an unbiased, non-commercial and free for everyone.
Wine Description
The Story
酒体呈深宝石红色。此酒带有优雅的卡门尼雅特点,酒中带有明显的黑胡椒气息并隐含着红莓、巧克力、香草和李子的香气。入口柔顺,单宁平滑,回味悠长。橡木香气完美融合其中,气息和谐。用于酿制的葡萄产自位于空加瓜山谷西侧尽头的El Arcángel 玛智贵庄园,距离太平洋18千米。那里相对凉爽的气候确保了该晚熟型的葡萄品种得以缓慢而顺利地成熟充分。粘土的孕育在葡萄酒中注入了力量。待发酵后,葡萄酒将被移至法国橡木桶中窖藏12月之久。