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Established by the Lindner family in 1944 St Hallett’s initial focus was the production of fortified wines. The first vintage of Old Block Shiraz in 1980 and its success, accelerated a shift of focus towards the premium table wines St Hallett has become renowned for ever since.

Together with other established Barossa winery families such as Rockford, Lehmann, Melton and Burge, St Hallett understood the importance of saving the old vines and...



Interesting blocks make interesting wines. Our team has scoured the Barossa, hand chosen the very best sites and worked with growers to source vines with the right characteristics. By meticulously keeping our parcels separate we have the opportunity to consistently craft fantastic wines as well as to deliver unique wines that represent particular areas of the Barossa. Explore key vineyard sites via our interactive map of the Barossa wine regio...


15 different wines with 36 vintages

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