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With a pale gold hue, the 2017 Inglenook Sauvignon Blanc opens with fresh, subtle notes of lemon-lime zest, white peach, lemongrass, and citrus blossoms. A light touch of French oak adds structure and complexity to this surprisingly full-bodied, vibrant wine, which exhibits distinct minerality on the palate. The finish is highly aromatic with lingering freshness and a return of the citrus and white peach notes present on the nose.

Winter and spring rainfall was bountiful, totaling nearly 50 inches. The flowering of Sauvignon Blanc at Inglenook was rapid, if slightly late, with full bloom occurring at the end of May. High mid-June temperatures put ripening back on track. Final ripening was uniform, and harvest was rapid, taking place between August 17th and August 30th.

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Rutherford, Napa Valley
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