The top traded wines in 2021
by Liv-ex
The most traded brands are calculated by looking at the total value of each LWIN7 traded on Liv-ex. LWIN is the universal identifier for wine and spirits. LWINs are unique 7, 11, 16 or 18-digit codes. The 7-digit code refers to the wine itself (i.e. the producer and brand, grape or vineyard e.g. Lafite Rothschild). The longer codes include information about the vintage, bottle and pack size. To find out more, click here.
The successful year for the First Growths is highlighted by the top traded wines in the two accompanying tables.
Lafite in particular, which led the market a decade ago has bounced back as a leading label. However, as the progress of the Liv-ex 50 shows, impressive amounts of wine sold does not automatically equate to impressive price appreciation.
Sassicaia’s place on both lists is a further nod to the rising power of that particular Super Tuscan’s brand status.
The most traded wines are calculated by looking at the total value of each LWIN11 traded on Liv-ex. LWIN is the universal identifier for wine and spirits. LWINs are unique 7, 11, 16 or 18-digit codes. The 11-digit code refers to the wine and vintage (e.g. Lafite Rothschild 2018). The longer codes include information about the vintage, bottle and pack size.