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    Pekin-style Duck

The Tb points given to this wine are the world’s most valid and most up-to-date evaluation of the quality of the wine. Tastingbook points are formed by the Tastingbook algorithm which takes into account the wine ratings of the world's best-known professional wine critics, wine ratings by thousands of tastingbook’s professionals and users, the generally recognised vintage quality and reputation of the vineyard and winery. Wine needs at least five professional ratings to get the Tb score. Tastingbook.com is the world's largest wine information service which is an unbiased, non-commercial and free for everyone.


The Story

Is this a wine which expresses the Cistercian rigour which gave birth to it? No, its image is rather that of a refined gentleman: the grapes mature early here, but still give wines of great finesse, with a lace-like texture which lines the palate, and superb length.

Clos de Vougeot is a wine which is always mature, and its texture will always show finesse. Its vinification will aim for more extraction than average (by breaking up the cap, f...


Wine Information

Of course, it had been difficult: the season, particularly the month of August, was bad, and the early harvest required a lot of work and sorting, both in the vineyard and at the winery. But the density levels were not bad, the vinifications went off without any problems, the malolactic fermentations, which were also early, did not damage the wines’ structure. Quite the contrary, in fact, with relatively low levels of acidity, the sensations o...




Beaune , Burgundy

Vintage Quality

Above Average

Value For Money


Investment potential

Below Average

Fake factory


Glass time


Drinking temperature


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