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    Seafood, Salads & Consommes

The Tb points given to this wine are the world’s most valid and most up-to-date evaluation of the quality of the wine. Tastingbook points are formed by the Tastingbook algorithm which takes into account the wine ratings of the world's best-known professional wine critics, wine ratings by thousands of tastingbook’s professionals and users, the generally recognised vintage quality and reputation of the vineyard and winery. Wine needs at least five professional ratings to get the Tb score. Tastingbook.com is the world's largest wine information service which is an unbiased, non-commercial and free for everyone.


The Story

The quintessence of the finest Chardonnays and Pinot Noirs from the heart of Champagne, Amour de Deutz Rosé offers the ultimate expression of elegance and all the hallmarks of an outstanding champagne. This subtle and seductive wine promises an intense and emotional drinking experience. The delicate beads of lively bubbles set off its rose gold hue to perfection. It is impossible not to get swept along in the elegant ballet it creates and imme...


Vintage 2006

A cold winter and springtime frosts laid the foundations for this vintage of abundant yields (12,997 kg/ha). Uneventful flowering was followed by exceptionally hot and sunny weather, which lasted until August. A dank August left producers fearful but fortunately warm, bright conditions in September redressed the balance. Harvest commenced on September 9th, producing grapes high in sugar level but notably low on acidity. The general health of t...


Tasting note


Light, Salmon and Bright


Long, Gentle and Round


Raspberry, Apricot, Creamy and Floral


Youthful, Complex, Fresh and Seductive


High in Acidity, Perfectly balanced, Well-structured, Youthful, Light, Harmonious, Elegant, Vivid and Dry


Transparent and Sophisticated

Written Notes

#thechampagnesommelier TASTING NOTE Blenden är 55% Pinot Noir (Aÿ, Verzenay & Bouzy) & 45% Chardonnay (Avize, Chouilly & Villers-Marmery.) Lätt, ren, apelsindoftande och charmig. Mer lik en torr Belle Epoque än en William Deutz i nuläget. GASTRONOMI Om man mot allt förnuft envisas med att dricka champagne till desserten så är det bättre att välja en söt champagne. Socker är nämligen den torra champagnens värsta fiende. Torr champagne smakar ofelbart surt till desserter. Om ni någon gång har möjlighet att välja ostar från en välförsedd ostbricka i Champagne så pröva också Arrigny, Boursault, Caprice des Dieux, Chaumont, Explorateur eller Maroilles till roséchampagnen.
  • 94p
Good looking normal size bottle. Colour is salmon, and looking bright and light. On the nose it is open, youthful, complex, refined, fresh, seductive and charming. The taste is silky, harmonious, elegant, perfumed, fragrant, vivid, refined, and dry, and high in acidity, light, with perfectly balanced, well-structured structure and youthful. On the palate it is layered and has floral, raspberry, creamy and apricot flavours. The finish is long, gentle, round, lingering, flavorful, pure and vibrant. This wine is sophisticated, transparent, fine and outstanding. Perfectly stored bottles are still very worthy and will last well for another 1-5 years.
- (Tasting note created by Tb's AI)
  • 93p
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Ay, Champagne

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Vintage Vinothèque

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