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The Story

La Mission Haut Brion is situated in Bordeaux' southern suburb, Talence. From 1919 and until 1983, it was Woltner family, who had owned this property. Under Woltner's reign, La Mission Haut Brion experienced one of its greatest period with string of fine vintages and was considered then as fully on the level with First Growths and sometimes even better than these. In 1983, owners of Haut Brion purchased La Mission Haut Brion and today its Jean...


Wine Information

The climate of 1996 was mostly characterized by its great irregularity. Except for a few days in July, there were no long hot periods. It began to rain rather late in August. The first half of September was temperate but it rained all the time during the second half. Altogether the summer was average with a few nice intervals.

The land that makes up the Château La Mission Haut-Brion estate was donated in 1664 to the congregation of the Laza...


Vintage 1996

1996 presents itself as a “classic” Bordeaux year, although – as Jancis Robinson MW wrote – not in the “lean” sense; Although Farr Vintners director Tom Hudson told the drinks industry it may have been a "very good" rather than "really great" year as it was not uniformly excellent across the region .

As a reminder, 1996 was a particularly promising vintage for Médoc wines. The Berry Bros & Rudd website boasts: “This is one of the great post...




Pessac-Leognan, Bordeaux
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